SEO ROI Calculator


Calculated Results

Here’s an estimate of the return on investment you could expect based on these figures.*

Visitors: 480
Conversions: 96
Net Revenue: $67,200.00
Total Lifetime Value: $38,400.00
Monthly ROI: $67,200.00

What is SEO ROI?

Return on Investment (ROI) is a key indicator used to determine how much profit you are making from your expenses. It is essential for measuring the effectiveness of your efforts over time, helping you make important decisions about how much to invest in areas like marketing.

SEO ROI (Search Engine Optimization Return on Investment) specifically gauges how effective your organic search optimization efforts are in enhancing your online visibility, driving more leads and sales, and ultimately growing your business.

Why Measure SEO ROI?

Organic search drives about half of all website traffic. While tracking your rankings, website traffic, and conversions is vital, nothing is more insightful than knowing exactly how much profit you’ve generated from your SEO activities.

If you’re unsure about the returns on your SEO efforts, how will you determine if they are successful? How will you decide if you should increase your investment to improve returns? Understanding your SEO ROI can guide these decisions.

Although calculating SEO ROI isn’t an exact science—since organic visibility is earned over time, unlike immediate results from paid advertising—a straightforward calculation can help you evaluate the performance of your SEO investment.

How to Measure SEO ROI?

Start by calculating the total cost of your SEO activities, including both in-house and external resources, as well as any expenses on SEO tools.

Next, assess the value generated from your sales conversions, which can be tracked using tools like Google Analytics.

Now, subtract your SEO investment cost from the sales conversions value, and divide this result by the cost of your investment. This figure is your SEO ROI.


Here’s the calculation:

This means for every ₹1 spent on SEO over six months, you earned ₹3 back, representing a 300% return on investment.

Our SEO ROI Calculator – Going the Extra Mile

Our SEO ROI calculator not only calculates your current returns but also projects the potential value of your SEO efforts based on various factors.

How it works:

  1. Input the estimated monthly visitors to your website.
  2. Enter the average Google organic search ranking position of your site.
  3. Specify your website’s conversion rate—the percentage of visitors who perform a desired action (like filling out an inquiry form or making a purchase) and become leads.
  4. Enter your sales conversion rate—the percentage of leads that convert into actual customers.
  5. Add the average lifetime value of a customer, which is the total revenue you expect from a customer throughout your relationship.

This will provide your estimated monthly revenue from SEO.

You can also adjust these figures to see how variations might affect your returns, such as increases in web traffic, improvements in search rankings, or higher conversion rates. This insight is invaluable as it highlights areas where you can focus your efforts for maximum gain and potential improvement in your business value.